Results: 1-17    


*Journal of endodontics

American Association of Endodontists
American Association of Endodontists

P.le Salvatore Tommasi, 1 - Coppito 67100 L'Aquila , tel. 0862-433307 , fax. 0862-433313
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Holdings: 1990-1998;
Call number: WU
Local subject headings: WU
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1985-2003;
Lacunae: 1985;1987-1988;1992;
Last update holding 2022

Via S. Vitale, 59 40125 Bologna , tel. 051-2088131 , fax. 051-225208
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Holdings: 1985;1987-2019;
Call number: H6
Last update holding 2021

Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato 09042 Monserrato , tel. 070 6754551 , fax. 070 6754278
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Holdings: 1988;1990-2008;
Lacunae: 2006-2008;
Call number: DEP E 07b
Last update holding 2022

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Holdings: 1975-2007;
Holdings detail: (1)1975-(33)2007;
Call number: SP2 PER 0065
Notes: Versione elettronica: (21)1995-
Last update holding 2023

Via del Vespro, 129 90127 Palermo , tel. +39 09123890682 , fax. +39 0916552471
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Holdings: 1995-1997;1999-2008;
Call number: Per. Str. 327
Notes: Non possediamo questo E-Pab.
Last update holding 2022

Via Giustiniani, 2 35128 Padova , tel. 0498218870 , fax. 049/8753674
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Holdings: 1992-2007;2009-2014;
Holdings detail: 18(1992)-33(2007);35(2009)-40(2014);
Call number: ODO-25
Last update holding 2015

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Holdings: 1975-2010; Issues received
Lacunae: 1977;1981-1983;1987;
Call number: ODONTO.032-ARM.3/C
Notes: Lacune: 1-4(1977);5, 7-12(1981);1-5(1982);9-12(1983);4-12(1987);
Last update holding 2023

Largo Francesco Vito, 1 00168 Roma , tel. (06) 30154264 - 30155821 , fax. (06)30155849
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Holdings: 1983-1993;1996-2002;
Lacunae: 1993;
Call number: WU2.J76
Last update holding 2023

via del Castro Laurenziano, 25 00161 Roma , tel. 06 49902275/98 , fax. 06 49902551
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Holdings: 2004;
Call number: Per. 0.3357
Notes: Disponibile solo come risorsa elettronica remota, dal 2005
Last update holding 2021

BCM 53100 Siena , tel. 0577-233485/233411/233227 , fax. 0577-233533
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Parte dei periodici anteriori al 1996 potrebbe non essere disponibile causa trasloco
Holdings 1: 1991-1995;
Lacunae: 1991;
Call number: N.Pol. X489
Notes: Fondi: NP
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 1996-1998;
Call number: N.Pol. Sezione Odontoiatria
Notes: Fondi: NP
Last update holding 2023

Regione Gonzole, 10 10043 Orbassano , tel. 011 6705880 , fax. 011 2365880
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Holdings: 1992-1997;
Call number: Archivio
Last update holding 2021

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Holdings: 1981-1986;1992-2010;2014;
Lacunae: 1982;1984;1986;2014;
Call number: PER CO N I
Last update holding 2023

Via S. Francesco, 20 37129 Verona , tel. 045 8028463/8027273
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Fino a data da destinarsi, le riviste con collocazione BM U e BM Z non sono disponibili a causa di lavori di ristrutturazione della biblioteca.
Holdings: 1977-1982;1984-2010;
Lacunae: LAC.
Call number: BM U 127
Last update holding 2023
Results: 1-17