Results: 1-22    


*Social problems

Society for the Study of Social Problems
Society for the Study of Social Problems;University of California Press;Oxford University Press

P.zza Cesare Battisti,1 70121 Bari , tel. 080-5717115 , fax. 080-5717125
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Holdings: 1953-1990;
Lacunae: 1984;
Last update holding 2023

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Il patrimonio della Biblioteca è conservato in un magazzino esterno, pertanto il materiale sarà disponibile in consultazione, previo accordi, dopo almeno 24 ore dalla richiesta che vi chiediamo di inoltrare per e-mail a:
Holdings: 1968-1974;
Lacunae: 1974;
Call number: MU 1/4
Last update holding 2023

Strada Maggiore 45 40125 Bologna , tel. 0512092884 (prestito-distribuzione) , fax. 051238004
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Holdings: 1968-1969;1975- Issues received
Lacunae: 1968;1988;1999;
Last update holding 2023

Via Filippo Re, 6 (ingresso dal retro) 40126 Bologna , tel. (051)2091630/2091478/2091476
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Holdings: 1974-2003; Issues received
Lacunae: 1986;1994;
Call number: C 241
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1968-1970;1972-1993;1995-2005;
Lacunae: 1969;1974;1988;1993;
Last update holding 2017

Arcavacata di Rende 87036 Rende , tel. 0984 496355 , fax. 0984 496366
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Le annate di riviste cartacee antecedenti al 1990 al momento non sono consultabili.
Holdings: 1978-
Last update holding 2022

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Holdings: 2003-2011;
Call number: 3464/XVI
Last update holding 2021

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Holdings: 1984-1987;1990-1995;1997-2000;2005-2011;2013-
Call number: Per. 1287
Last update holding 2023

Largo A. Gemelli, 1 20123 Milano , tel. (02) 72342709 , fax. (02) 72342679
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Holdings: 1959-
Last update holding 2023

Via Conservatorio, 7 20122 Milano , tel. 0250321126 - 0250335502 , fax. 0250321135
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Holdings: 1978-1987;1989-2018;
Lacunae: 1978;2016;
Call number: PER. 0380
Last update holding 2023

Biblioteca AILUN
Via Pasquale Paoli, 2 08100 Nuoro , tel. ++390784226213 , fax. ++390784203158
Holdings: 1959-1989;
Lacunae: 1963-1964;1971-1973;1978-1980;1982;1985;1989;
Call number: P048
Notes: Dettaglio lacune: vol.11 fasc.1, 2(1963-1964);vol.19 fasc.3, 4 (1971-1972);vol.20 fasc.1(1972-1973);vol.26 fasc.3, 4(1978-1979);vol.27 fasc.1, 2 (1979-1980);vol.29 fasc. 1, 2(1982);vol.33fasc.3-5(1985);vol.36 fasc.3(1989);
Last update holding 2014

Via Maqueda, 172 90134 Palermo , tel. +39 09123892333
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Holdings: 1976-1993;
Call number: BL PS 161
Last update holding 2023

Via dell'Aquilone, 7 06123 Perugia , tel. 0755853121-3123 , fax. 0755853122
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Holdings: 1953-1970;1973-1974;
Lacunae: 1955;1958;1964;
Call number: BAS
Last update holding 2016

Via Saffi, 42 61029 Urbino , tel. 0722/305575
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Holdings: 1974-2018;
Lacunae: 2011-2012;
Call number: Soc.Riv.3.6a,Soc.Riv.MAG.19A
Notes: 1974-1999 in magazzino.
Last update holding 2023

Corso Strada Nuova 65 27100 Pavia , tel. 0382-984447 , fax. 0382-984323
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Holdings: 1969;1976-2016; Issues received
Lacunae: 1969;1984;1989;2012;2016;
Call number: Deposito - Armadio 108-D
Last update holding 2018

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Holdings: 1965-1971;1977-1988;
Lacunae: 1965-1971;1978;
Call number: Per 15
Last update holding 2021

Biblioteca. Formez Centro di Formazione Studi
Viale Marx, 15 00137 Roma , tel. (06)84892310/2403 , fax. (06)84892299
Holdings: 1977-2004;
Call number: 438
Last update holding 2005

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Holdings: 1978-1991;1993-2013;2015;
Lacunae: 2009-2010;2015;
Call number: DOTT. XII SC. 5
Last update holding 2022

Piazza Ateneo Salesiano 1 00139 Roma , tel. +39 0687290402 , fax. +39 0687290662
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Holdings: 1972-1984;1989- Issues received
Lacunae: 1972-1973;1978-1981;1983;1984;
Call number: 39-C-1727
Last update holding 2023

Via Adalberto Libera, 3 38122 Trento , tel. 0461-283020 , fax. 0461 281334
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Holdings: 1953-
Call number: BUC - Biblioteca Universitaria Centrale
Last update holding 2014

Lungo Dora Siena, 100/A 10153 Torino , tel. 011-6708977/8981 , fax. 011-6708979
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Holdings: 1953-2014; Issues received
Lacunae: 2014;
Call number: PER 1.485/A
Notes: Ripr. facs. 1953-1962. Proveniente da Biblioteca Solari
Last update holding 2022

via Nizza 18 10125 Torino , tel. 0116666441 , fax. 0116666442
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Holdings: 1964-2017;
Lacunae: 1965;1972;1974;1976-1977;
Call number: 142
Last update holding 2020
Results: 1-22