Results: 1-2    


*Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy

Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
Results: 2

via Mangiagalli, 34 20133 Milano , tel. 02-50315560/61 , fax. 02-50315494
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Holdings: 1899-1900;1906-1907;1908-1909;1911-1921;
Call number: GP.PER.A04.002
Last update holding 2023

v. Eudossiana,18 00184 Roma , tel. (06) 44585599 , fax. (06)4827453
Request a document
Holdings: 1961-1965.
Notes: Collezione temporaneamente non disponibile; Proveniente da RM026
Last update holding 2023
Results: 1-2