The sport scientific research within the scope of the first survey of
the ILSE-longitudinal study consisted of standardized interviews of 69
5 probands born between 1930 and 1932. Based upon these interviews wil
l first be presented the connections between physical acitvities on th
e one hand and the subjective estimation of health and physical abilit
y on the other. Then a comparison between these subjective estimations
and the objective medical opinions will follow. Physical activity has
a significantly positive influence on both the subjective estimations
and the general attitude towards age and contentment with life. Furth
ermore the examination provided information on the expectations the el
derly link with physical activities, why they possibly refuse to exerc
ise, and under which conditions they might start to exercise. The most
important result is the main position of health for the decision in f
avor of or against physical activities. The statements of the physical
ly active on the exercised sports provide indications of the different
interests of men and women and the desired offers.