The loss of stability of the horizontal-plane periodic motion of a ste
ered ship in waves is investigated. In earlier reports we referred to
the possibility of a broaching mechanism that will be intrinsic to the
periodic mode, whereby there will exist no need for the ship to go th
rough the surf-riding stage. However, about this point the discussion
was essentially conjectural, In order to provide substance we present
here a theoretical approach that is organized in two stages: Initially
, we demonstrate the existence of a mechanism of parametric instabilit
y of yaw on the basis of a rudimentary, single-degree model of maneuve
ring motion in waves. Then, with a more elaborate model, we identify t
he underlying nonlinear phenomena that govern the large-amplitude hori
zontal ship motions, considering the ship as a multi-degree, nonlinear
oscillator. Our analysis brings to light a very specific sequence of
phenomena leading to cumulative broaching that involves a change in th
e stability of the ordinary periodic motion on the horizontal plane, a
transition towards subharmonic response and, ultimately, a sudden jum
p to resonance. Possible means for controlling the onset of such undes
irable behavior are also investigated.