An explicit cloud prediction scheme has been developed and incorporate
d into the Eta Model at the National Centers for Environmental Predict
ion (NCEP) to improve the cloud and precipitation forecasts. In this s
cheme, the cloud liquid water and cloud ice are explicitly predicted b
y adding only one prognostic equation of cloud mixing ratio to the mod
el. Precipitation of rain and snow in this scheme is diagnostically ca
lculated from the predicted cloud fields. The model-predicted clouds a
re also used in the model's radiation calculations. Results from the p
arallel tests performed at NCEP show improvements in precipitation for
ecasts when prognostic cloud water is included. Compared with the diag
nostic clouds, the model-predicted clouds are more accurate in both am
ount and position. Improvements in specific humidity forecasts have al
so been found, especially near the surface and above the freezing leve