Copper is distributed to distinct localizations in the cell through di
verse pathways. We demonstrate here that the delivery of copper to cop
per/zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is mediated through a soluble fac
tor identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae LYS7 and human CCS (copper
chaperone for SOD). This factor is specific for SOD1 and does not deli
ver copper to proteins in the mitochondria, nucleus, or secretory path
way. Yeast cells containing a lys7 Delta null mutation have normal lev
els of SOD1 protein, but fail to incorporate copper into SOD1, which i
s therefore devoid of superoxide scavenging activity. LYS7 and CCS spe
cifically restore the biosynthesis of holoSOD1 in vivo. Elucidation of
the CCS copper delivery pathway may permit development of novel thera
peutic approaches to human diseases that involve SOD1, including amyot
rophic lateral sclerosis.