A compensating technique suitable for measuring the polarization and h
ysteresis in ferroelectric materials with low resistivity is reported.
In this method, three different poling voltages waveforms are success
ively applied to a sample while the current i, is measured. These are:
a sinusoidal, a positively rectified and a negatively rectified sinus
oidal voltages. The polarization hysteresis loop is then computed thro
ugh the integration of the difference between the current obtained dur
ing the full sinusoidal voltage loop (i.e, i(t)) and the sum of the ot
her two currents (i(+) + i(-)). In this paper we use this method to de
termine the remanent polarization and coercive field in a ferroelectri
c composite of calcium modified lead titanate (PTCa), of a low resisti
vity formulation, and a copolymer of poIyvinylidene fluoride (i.e. P(V
DF/TrFE)) as a function of the temperature and field.