The recent generalized Debye-Huckel (GDH) theory is applied to the cal
culation of the charge-charge correlation function, G(zz)(r). The resu
lting expression satisfies both i) the charge neutrality condition and
ii) the Stillinger-Lovett second-moment condition for all T and pry,
the overall ion density, and iii) exhibits charge oscillations for den
sities above a ''Kirkwood line'' in the (rho(N),T)-plane. This correct
s the normally assumed DH charge correlations, and, when combined with
the GDH analysis of the density correlations, leaves the GDH theory a
s the only complete description of ionic correlation functions, as jud
ged by i)-iii), iv) exact low-density (rho(N),T) variation, and v) rea
sonable behavior near criticality.