Iron, one of the common medications in use among children and adults,
is the leading cause of pediatric unintentional ingestion fatalities a
nd is not an uncommon poisoning among adults. Accidental Ingestion is
common because iron-containing compounds are readily available, bright
ly colored, often sugar coated, and frequently considered harmless vit
amins. There are no data on differences between sexes with regard to i
ron intoxication, and the management of iron overdose is the same for
females and males. After oral administration by gavage of the LD50 of
iron to Wistar rats, the pharmacokinetics of iron, baseline and peak s
erum iron levels, and mortality rates were compared between sexes. Pre
pubertal females died significantly more than males (p<0.01), pubertal
females died significantly earlier than males (p<0.04), and the same
was true among adult rats (p=0.02). Baseline serum iron levels were no
t significantly different between prepubertal female and male rats, bu
t female pubertal rats had significantly higher baseline iron levels t
han males (p=0.006). After iron administration, females had significan
tly higher peak serum iron concentrations (p<0.03). Mechanisms of iron
absorption are still not completely known and, probably, there are di
fferences in iron absorption between sexes, which may account for the
differences in serum iron levels and mortality rates. While the therap
eutic approach in cases of intoxication is individual, iron intoxicati
on, as may be true for other poisonings also, treatments administered
to females may need to be different from that given to males.