For 0 < gamma less than or equal to 1 and graphs G and H, write G -->H
-gamma any gamma-proportion of the edges of G spans at least one copy
of H in G. As customary, write K-r for the complete graph on r vertice
s. We show that for every fixed real eta > 0 there exists a constant C
= C(eta) such that almost every random graph G(n,p) with p = p(n) gre
ater than or equal to Cn(-2/5) satisfies G(n,p) -->K-2/3+eta(4). The p
roof makes use of a variant of Szemeredi's regularity lemma for sparse
graphs and is based on a certain superexponential estimate for tile n
umber of pseudo-random tripartite graphs whose triangles are not too w
ell distributed. Related results and a general conjecture concerning H
-free subgraphs of random graphs in the spirit of the Erdos-Stone theo
rem are discussed.