A 1.8 mT, bone healing, electromagnetic field (EMF) and power frequenc
y EMFs of 0.1 and 0.4 mT significantly inhibit DNA synthesis in otherw
ise unstimulated Jurkat (E 6.1) cells, Inhibition is generally most pr
ominent in cells from mid log phase growth. In complete medium the bon
e healing EMF inhibits [H-3] thymidine uptake of the latter cells by a
lmost 50% vs. 20-25% inhibition by 60 Hz fields, Cells in conditioned
medium are even more sensitive to EMFs with inhibition up to ca. 60%,
The effects of the 0.1 and 0.4 mT poser frequency EMFs were very simil
ar suggesting saturation at 0.1 mT or lower. (C) 1997 Federation of Eu
ropean Biochemical Societies.