Two models for the catalytic mechanism of the restriction endonuclease
EcoRV exist which differ in the number and function of metal ions pro
posed to be directly involved in catalysis. In one model, two metal io
ns bound by Glu45, Asp74, and Asp90 are assumed to have a direct catal
ytic function; in the other, only one metal ion bound by Asp74 and Asp
90. We show here that in the presence of Mn2+, the catalytic activity
of an EcoRV-E45A mutant is only slightly reduced (1.8-fold) as compare
d to wild type EcoRV and that the single-turnover rate constant of DNA
cleavage by E45A is reduced only 39-fold, whereas the D74A and D90A m
utants are catalytically inactive under all conditions. These findings
make an important catalytic function of Glu45, like binding of an ess
ential divalent metal ion, unlikely. In addition, we have analyzed the
dependence of the DNA cleavage rate by EcoRV and EcoRV mutants on the
concentration of Mg2+ and Mn2+. We found for the wild type enzyme a s
igmoidal dependence of the rate of DNA cleavage on the concentration o
f Mg2+ or Mn2+, indicative of at least two metal ions involved in DNA
binding and catalysis. This, however, does not mean that EcoRV follows
a two-metal-ion mechanism in DNA cleavage, because also for the E45A
mutant a sigmoidal dependence of the rate of DNA cleavage on the Mg2concentration was found, making metal ion binding to the E45/D74 site
unlikely. In contrast, the Y219C mutant shows a hyperbolic dependence.
In agreement with results obtained earlier, these findings demonstrat
e binding of a Mg2+ ion at a site influenced by Tyr219, an amino acid
residue that is far away from the active site. Metal binding at this s
ite does not have a catalytic role but rather supports specific DMA bi
nding. We conclude that on the basis of our data a two-metal-ion mecha
nism of DNA cleavage is unlikely for EcoRV and that the complex metal
ion effects observed are due to metal ion binding at sites that are no
t directly involved in catalysis.