Objective: To determine the seronegativity rate of varicella-zoster vi
rus in a tertiary care obstetric population. Methods: At their initial
prenatal visit, all obstetric patients at Westchester County Medical
Center have a varicella-zoster virus IgG antibody titer (Varicella Sta
t; Biowhittaker, Inc., Walkersville, MD) performed. A value of 0.99 or
greater units is positive. Patients were divided into three groups: s
eronegative, seropositive, and those with no test results. Mean matern
al age was compared among groups using the unpaired two-tailed Student
t test, with P < .05 considered significant. Results: From February 1
, 1994, to May 30, 1996, 927 women had an initial prenatal visit. Nine
ty-nine patients were varicella-zoster virus antibody negative (serone
gativity 11.6%, which is significantly higher than that reported in ot
her studies); 755 were varicella-zoster virus antibody positive, and 7
3 had no results. The mean age of the seronegative patients was 27 yea
rs and of the seropositive patients 28 years, which was not significan
tly different. Conclusion: Varicella-zoster virus seronegativity is hi
gher in our obstetric population than generally is reported in adults.
This may reflect the number of immigrants from tropical countries att
ending metropolitan hospitals. Mathematic models evaluating the impact
of varicella-zoster virus vaccination and decisions regarding screeni
ng and postpartum vaccination must be based on accurate epidemiologic
data, particularly in view of the effect of varicella-zoster virus on
pregnant women, their fetuses, and their neonates. (C) 1997 by The Ame
rican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.