This research examined the electromyographic (EMG) activity of shoulde
r and elbow muscles during reaching movements of the upper limb. Subje
cts performed goal-directed arm movements in the horizontal plane. Mov
ements which varied in amplitude, speed, and direction were performed
in different sections of the workspace. EMG activity was recorded from
the pectoralis major, posterior deltoid, biceps brachii short head, b
rachioradialis, triceps brachii long head, and triceps brachii lateral
head; motion recordings were obtained with an optoelectric system. Th
e analysis focused on the magnitude and timing of opposing muscle grou
ps at the shoulder and elbow joints. For hand movements within any giv
en direction of the workspace direction, kinematic manipulations chang
ed agonist and antagonist EMG magnitude and intermuscle timing in a ma
nner consistent with previous single-joint findings. To produce reachi
ng movements in different directions and areas of the workspace, shoul
der and elbow agonist EMG magnitude increased for those hand motions w
hich required higher angular velocities, while the timing between oppo
sing muscle groups at each joint was invariant.