The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality during and after
cooking of four pastas spaghetti type. Rice bran was used as ingredie
nt in order to increase protein and dietetic fiber content. In two of
the four formulation, semolina durum was supplemented with 10 and 20%
rice bran. In the other two formulation granular flour was supplemente
d with 10 and 20% rice bran. Time cooking, water absortion, solid loss
, color and hardness, (instrumental and sensory), Protein Efficiency R
atio (PER) and Apparent Digestibility in vivo were determined. Accepti
bility was evaluated by a 35-member consumer panel. Rice bran improved
solid loss during cooking and increased cooking time, PERs were not a
ffected significantly but Apparent Digestibility decreased when rice b
ran was increased. Sensory quality was affected because rice bran made
pastas hard and dark but they were comparable to high fiber pasta exi
sting in market.