Neuropeptide Y is a 36 amino acid peptide that was originally discover
ed in extracts of porcine brain. The peptide has a broad distribution
in the central or peripheral nervous system. Receptors for this peptid
e were originally subdivided into postsynaptic Y-1 receptors and presy
naptic Y-2 receptors. The Y-1 receptor has recently been cloned and ap
pears to mediate several effects of NPY including vasoconstriction and
an anxiolytic effect in animal models of anxiety. The Y-2 receptor in
hibits the release of neurotransmitters in the CNS by the inhibition o
f the mobilization of intracellular calcium. Additional receptors have
been proposed including a Y-3 receptor that recognizes NPY but not th
e related endocrine peptide, PYY. The functional importance of these n
ewer receptors remains to be established. The absence of useful antago
nists has made the study of NPY a challenge for investigators in the f
ield. The potential utility of such molecules is discussed.