Low abundances of ''heavy'' heavy minerals, such as cassiterite and go
ld, in natural sediments make it difficult to observe and monitor the
sedimentological processes that lead to the development of their place
r deposits in fluvial channels, We have overcome this problem by insta
llation of a pit trap in a Malaysian stream that contains abnormally h
igh concentrations of cassiterite. Rates of accumulation of cassiterit
e grains up to 500 mu m and sediment up to 32 mm have been measured un
der changing discharges during a flood event, Transport-equivalent siz
es of sediment and cassiterite are obtained, and the critical shear st
resses to mobilize different sizes of sediment and cassiterite are est
imated from their rating curves. Rates of accumulation of both cassite
rite and sediment vary systematically with grain size and changing dis
charge. Mobilization of fine (< 180 mu m) cassiterite requires higher
shear stresses than like-sized sediment, and once mobilized this cassi
terite is transported at velocities similar to those of sediment appro
ximately three times coarser-roughly 50% greater difference in size th
an would be expected on the basis of hydraulic equivalence, For larger
grains the critical shear stresses required to mobilize sediments and
cassiterite increase, but also converge, so that near the upper limit
of grain hiding, both the critical shear stresses and transport-equiv
alent sizes of cassiterite and sediment are most similar, This converg
ence Likely results from increased exposure to stream flow facilitatin
g grain entrainment and motion, regardless of grain density, as the gr
ains become too large to hide in the bed, Results emphasize the import
ance of grain size and bed roughness, as well as differences in densit
y, in developing fluvial concentrations of heavy minerals, In particul
ar, repeated grain settling, entrainment, and motion is most effective
in concentrating heavy minerals that are sufficiently fine to be full
y hidden in the bed.