We present a detailed molecular-dynamics study of the melting, freezin
g, and coalescence of gold nanoclusters within the framework of the em
bedded-atom method. Concerning melting, we find the process first to a
ffect the surface (''premelting''), then to proceed inwards. The curve
for the melting temperature vs cluster size is found to agree reasona
bly well with predictions of phenomenological models based on macrosco
pic concepts, in spite of the fact that the clusters exhibit polymorph
ism and structural transitions. Upon quenching, we observe a large hys
terisis of the transition temperature, consistent with recent experime
nts on lead. In contrast, we find macroscopic sintering theories to be
totally unable to describe the coalescing behavior of two small clust
ers. We attribute this failure to the fact that the nanocrystals are f
aceted, while the sintering theories are formulated for macroscopicall
y smooth crystallites. The time for coalescence from our calculations
is predicted to be much longer than expected from the macroscopic theo
ry. This has important consequences for the morphology of cluster-asse
mbled materials.