We report the results of high-speed optical white-light photometry of
the black hole candidate GX 339-4, obtained at the Cerro Tololo Inter-
American Observatory during 1996 April. We searched the data for stric
tly periodic features, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) and aperiodi
c variability (noise) using Fourier and wavelet techniques. (1) We fou
nd a QPO with amplitude 4.5%-6%, frequency f similar to 0.064 Hz, and
width Delta f/f similar to 0.3-0.5. The QPO was long-lived in that it
was present in all segments of the data, even in sets acquired one day
apart. (2) In addition to the 0.064 Hz QPO there are indications of l
ow-amplitude QPOs at f = 0.02, 0.03, 0.08, 0.3, and 3 Hz. None of the
features appeared in more than one day of data (except for the 0.08 Hz
feature) and none of the features were as strong as the 0.064 Hz QPO,
and so they should be taken with some caution. (3) We found power in
excess of counting statistics out to frequencies of several hertz on b
oth nights. The origin of this excess power is not clear.