The purpose of this study was to evaluate dental plaque removal in a n
ormal healthy mouth, during routine oral hygiene appointments using di
fferent techniques and without the use of any disclosing agents. 12 de
ntal hygienists, randomly selected from a continuing education course,
were asked to perform oral hygiene on the same patient to remove all
the supra-gingival plaque without any time restriction and without the
use of a disclosing agents. The plaque index score (O'Leary) was asse
ssed before and after each session with the use of fluorescine and UV
light source by an independent examiner. 3 groups of instruments were
utilized: group A: ultrasonic scalers + prophy cups; group B: ultrason
ic scalers + prophy cups + dental floss; group C: Gracey curettes + pr
ophy cups. While no group was able to remove all the plaque, groups B
and C performed significantly better.