This study investigated preschool special education teachers' evolving
views of their changing needs and responsibilities during their first
year as community-based consulting teachers. The study tracked the pe
rspectives of these formerly classroom-based teachers throughout their
first year as consulting teachers facilitating inclusion into communi
ty settings of children from ages 3 to 5 with disabilities. The study
employed a qualitative design using a focus group format with meetings
four times throughout the year. The results indicated that participan
ts became much more specific in articulating their roles and needs as
they gained experience. The participants also indicated that managemen
t of the classroom inclusion process was one of their critical roles,
in addition to acting as a support and referral source for community c
hildcare providers. The results suggest that systems for providing tra
ining, resources, and support to teachers moving to consulting roles w
ill be most effective if they are both flexible and ongoing.