Petiole lesions on leatherleaf fern [Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst.)
Ching] from Panama were examined, and a fungus characteristic of the
genus Cylindrocladium was isolated. Perithecia developed in culture on
irradiated segments of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) leaves on
water agar (CL/WA) and on irradiated stems of peanut (Arachis hypogae
a L.) on water agar (PS/WA) within 3-4 weeks. Ascospores were exuded t
hrough the ostiole and single ascopore cultures were established. All
single ascopore cultures yielded the Cylindrocladium anamorph and prod
uced perithecia on CL/WA and PS/WA. Comparison of morphological featur
es of this fungus to those of Cylindrocladium spp, that bear the close
st resemblance to it, C. heptaseptatum Sobers, Alfieri & Knauss and C.
quinqueseptatum Boedijn & Reitsma, showed differences in morphology o
f phialides, size and septation of conidia. Isoenzyme and RAPD (Random
Amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers were also used to compare the fung
us under study with four isolates of C. heptaseptatum and two of C. qu
inqueseptatum. Based on 40 isoenzyme and on 206 RAPD markers detected
for all isolates, three distinct groups-made up, respectively by C. he
ptaseptatum, C. quinqueseptatum and by the fungus from Panama were fou
nd. The morphological differences and the molecular data indicate that
the fungus under study represents a new taxon. Calonectria rumohrae i
s proposed for the binomial of the homothallic sexual state, and Cylin
drocladium rumohrae for the corresponding asexual state.