Childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms (CEOP) is an idiopathic lo
calization-related epilepsy. A typical seizure in CEOP begins with vis
ual symptoms, followed by hemiclonic seizures, complex partial seizure
s or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Benign nocturnal childhood occ
ipital epilepsy (BNCOE), characterized by nocturnal seizures with toni
c deviation of the eyes followed by vomiting, has the same electroence
phalographic features as CEOP. In this study, we report the seizure sy
mptoms and electroencephalographic features of 21 cases with CEOP or B
NCOE. Out of these patients, nine had BNCOE, six had CEOP, four had CE
OP and BNCOE and the remaining two belonged to the incomplete syndrome
because of no paroxysmal discharges in EEG. When the patients with BN
COE awoke from sleep, they had tonic deviation of the eyes and could d
escribe visual symptoms. Patients with CEOP had seizures beginning wit
h visual symptoms followed by loss of consciousness but no generalized
convulsions. In three cases, in addition to the occipital spikes, ind
ependent centrotemporal spikes were recorded and in another three case
s generalized spike-wave discharges were recorded. Such a combination
suggests the idiopathic nature of these epilepsies. We concluded that
in the diagnosis of CEOP and BNCOE, the seizure symptomatology is impo
rtant even if the EEG can be considered normal. (C) 1997 Elsevier Scie
nce B.V.