Synthetic glycoconjugates that mimic cell-surface tumour antigens (gly
colipids or glycoproteins with unusual carbohydrate structural motifs)
have been shown to trigger humoral responses in murine and human immu
ne systems(1-3). This raises the exciting possibility of inducing acti
ve immunity with fully synthetic carbohydrate vaccines, particularly i
f vaccine compounds can be synthesized that resemble the surface envir
onment of transformed cells even more closely. Glycopeptides seem part
icularly suitable for this purpose. In contrast to most glycolipids an
d the carbohydrates themselves, glycopeptides bind to major histocompa
tibility complex molecules, and, in favourable cases, can stimulate T
cells and lead to the expression of receptors that recognize the carbo
hydrate part of a glycopeptide with high specificity(4-8). The prepara
tion of glycopeptides and glycoproteins remains, however, a difficult
challenge(9-12): earlier synthesis methods have been inefficient, and
established cloning approaches that allow engineering of global glycop
atterns produce only heterogeneous glycoproteins(13). Here we report a
n efficient strategy of the synthesis of tumour-associated mucin glyco
peptides with clustered trisaccharide glycodomains corresponding to th
e (2,6)-sialyl T antigen. Our approach involves construction of the co
mplete glycodomain in the first stage, followed by convergent coupling
to amino acid residues and subsequent incorporation of the glycosyl a
mino acid units into a peptide chain. This general strategy allows the
assembly of molecules in which selected glycoforms can be incorporate
d at any desired position of the peptide chain. The resultant fully sy
nthetic O-linked glycopeptide clusters are the closest homogeneous mim
ics of cell-surface mucins at present available, and so are promising
compounds for the development of anticancer vaccines.