Production (P) by copepod cohorts between sample times 0 and t is esti
mated from cohort numbers (N-0 and N-t) and biomasses (B-0 and B-t) as
P = (I + m/g)Delta B, where m = In(N-0/N-t), g = In(B-t/B-0), and Del
ta B = B-t - B-0. This equation assumes exponential changes in biomass
and numbers during the interval. Individual-based simulation models s
how that variances in initial weights and growth rates do not bias est
imates; only severe size (stage) dependence of growth rates introduces
serious bias; extreme , size dependence of mortality rates produces m
ore bias, mitigated by more frequent sampling; negative size dependenc
e of both growth and mortality rates tends to cancel biases; and under
estimation of production when individuals accumulate in nongrowing sta
ges is mitigated by sampling when such individuals first appear. With
these qualifications, the above equation is adequate and detailed mort
ality and growth rates of individual stages are unnecessary when cohor
ts are distinguishable.