In what respects does public-policy making reflect social learning, dr
awing lessons from previous experiences and from the experiences of go
vernments in other settings? Starting with an examination of the effec
t of policy legacies on current policy making, I present a process mod
el of social learning embedded within the larger policy-making process
resting at the intersection of the nation's constitutional context, t
echnological change, and political influences exogenous to social lear
ning. The model first distinguishes between the structural and the soc
ial learning effects of policy legacies. I then conceptually divide so
cial learning into separate streams of substantive learning and situat
ional learning. The effect that each of these has on policy making dep
ends on the relative position of three categories of participants in t
he policy-making process (experts, organized interests, and politician
s), as well as on the scope of the policy issue being considered (rang
ing from routine change to major reform). This analysis, with referenc
e to recent health care policy making, reveals the full extent to whic
h social learning is often a decidedly political struggle over ideas a
nd information in which advocates promote lessons that serve their spe
cific interests within a given institutional context and political set
ting. I consider the implications of social learning for understanding
likely policy responses to the rise of market forces in health care.