In the years 1994 to 1996 14 herbicides were tested independently and
in combination which were applied on 10 ruderal competitively strong s
pecies. They were in different facies of phytocenosis Rumicetum obtusi
folii (Smarda et al., 1963) on ruderal grassland with feeding value Kh
less than or equal to 4. The site was formed by eutrophized soil whic
h in a 0 to 200 mm depth (Tab. II) contained extremely high values of
the total nitrogen (from 3,534 to 4,767 and potassium (from
533.75 to 641.87 Secondarily synantropic plant community
was formed on the original association of Lolio-Cynosuretum cristati R
. Tx. 1937 by excessive over-fertilizing by cattle excrements during g
razing season. By intensive footing, particularly after rains, the sod
was completely disturbed and ruderal species were established at skip
s. The results of the research confirmed that in specific conditions o
f environment the control of undesirable perennial species was substan
tiated. Some selective system herbicides were proved to be good. Of th
em, 71.42% were manifested by their excellent and very good effect aft
er application on the studied competitively strong weed species which
prevailed before in the stand. After applied minimum dose of herbicide
, they receded to be close to the level of maximum marginal occurrence
. Competitively stronger were those weed species which stayed in the s
tand (Tabs III, IV). It follows from changes in floristic composition
that by comparison of the treated stand with the control floristic gro
up of grasses (Tab. III) was marked significantly by increase of its s
hare. Among them it was particularly Poa trivialis which by its above-
ground shoots filled the skips very fast (14.34 to 60.63%). The herbic
ides used did not cause damage to those grasses which formed the basis
of the grassland. This group participated the most in thickening of t
he sod cover after receding of controlled species and in most cases th
eir percentage increased. Floristic group of leguminoses was comparati
vely stable and of herbicides it was protected only by Asulox 40. Flor
istic group of other herbs was most abundant. Of feeding-valuable spec
ies with Kh greater than or equal to 5 the greatest loss was in eight
variants in the species Taraxacum officinale. Achillea millefolium and
Plantago lanceolata receded in five variants, Alchemilla xantochlora,
Carum carvi in two, and Leontodon autumnalis did not occur in four va
riants. Among frequently occurring weed species with feeding value Kh
less than or equal to 4 (Tab. IV) only variant 3 was surface-treated w
ith the species Rumex obtusifolius where Asulox 40 was applied (100% e
ffect). Slightly poisonous Ranunculus repens receded in seven of 14 te
sted variants (Tab. I). The problem species seemed to be Anthriscus sy
lvestris on which Starane 250 EC and Banvel 480 had the best effects.
The most problem controlled species was Aegopodium podograria which di
d not recede even after application of herbicides Garlon 4, Duplosan D
P and Garlon 4 + Lontrel 300 (93.50% effect). Phytotoxicity caused max
imum damage of 40.07% to valuable species in the grassland after appli
cation of selective system herbicides (Tab. V). In weed species after
control the threshold of noxiousness was recorded. Among selective sys
tem herbicides the greatest reduction of diversity was recorded after
application of herbicides Duplosan DP (12 species), U 46 M Fluid (11 s
pecies), Banvel 480 and Aniten I (10 species).