M. Shacham et N. Brauner, MINIMIZING THE EFFECTS OF COLLINEARITY IN POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION, Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 36(10), 1997, pp. 4405-4412
Data transformation for obtaining the most accurate and statistically
valid correlation is discussed. It is shown that the degree of a polyn
omial used in regression is limited by collinearity among the monomial
s. The significance of collinearity can best be measured by the trunca
tion to natural error ratio. The truncation error is the error in repr
esenting the highest power term by a lower degree polynomial, and the
natural error is due to the limited precision of the experimental data
. Several transformations for reducing collinearity are introduced. Th
e use of orthogonal polynomials provides an estimation of the truncati
on to natural error ratio on the basis of range and precision of the i
ndependent variable data. Consequently, the highest degree of polynomi
al adequate for a particular set of data can be predicted. It is shown
that the transformation which yields values of the independent variab
le in the range of [-1,1] is the most effective in reducing collineari
ty and allows fitting the highest degree polynomial to data. In an exa
mple presented, the use of this transformation enables an increase in
the degree of the statistically valid polynomial, thus yielding a much
more accurate and well-behaved correlation.