Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disorder characte
rized by cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasia, immune defi
ciency, genome instability and predisposition to malignancies, particu
larly T-cel[ neoplasms(1-3). The responsible gene, designated ataxia-t
elongiectasia mutated(ATM), was recently identified by positional clon
ing in the chromosomal region 11q22.3-23.1 (ref. 4, 5) ATM is 150 kb i
n length, consists of 66 exons and encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein of
approximately 350 kDa (ref. 4-9). Although ATM is considered to be a
tumorigenic factor in several human cancers, it has not yet been found
mutated in tumors of non-AT patients. Given the marked predisposition
of AT patients to develop neoplasms of the T-cell lineage(3), we anal
yzed a series of T-cell leukemias (T-prolymphocytic leukemia, or T-PLL
) in non-AT patients in search of genomic changes associated with the
development of this disease. Among the recurrent aberrations identifie
d, deletion of the chromosome arm 11q was very frequent. Subsequent mo
lecular cytogenetic analyses allowed us to define a small commonly del
eted segment at 11q22.3-23.1 in 15 of 24 T-PLLs studied. Since this cr
itical region contained ATM, we further analyzed the remaining copy of
the gene in six cases showing deletions affecting one ATM allele. In
all six cases, mutations of the second ATM allele were identified, lea
ding to the absence, premature truncation or alteration of the ATM gen
e product. Thus, our study demonstrates disruption of both ATM alleles
by deletion or point mutation in T-PLL, suggesting that ATM functions
as a tumor-suppressor gene in tumors of non-AT individuals.