The intense Mach waves radiated by the growth and decay of linear inst
ability waves in the shear layer of a perfectly expanded, axisymmetric
jet with an initial centerline Mach number of M-j = 2.0 are directly
computed by solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations on a
computational domain that includes both the near and far fields. The d
irectly computed far-held sound is compared to predictions obtained us
ing an analysis based on linear stability theory, Lighthill's equation
, and the Kirchhoff surface method, All of the predictions are in good
agreement with the direct computations. Using Lighthill's equation, w
e demonstrate that it is essential to properly address the acoustical
noncompactness of the sources. It is also shown that linear stability
theory can be used to specify the source terms in Lighthill's equation
; the resulting predictions are also in good agreement with the comput