We describe a course in effective teaching skills delivered by the Sta
ff Development Unit of the University of Birmingham within Birmingham
Heartlands Hospital. The course was structured so that as many doctors
as possible could attend and become part of a network sharing an inte
rest in medical teaching. An initial introductory half-day was followe
d by 13 monthly one-hour lunchtime sessions. Fifty-six doctors attende
d at least one session and formed a mailing list to receive relevant d
ocuments. Of those returning feedback forms, all found the sessions en
joyable and felt they had gained in knowledge. The majority felt they
had gained in skills and many commented on the value of being able to
discuss medical teaching issues with colleagues and the tutors. The ne
twork of colleagues continues to meet and is actively involved with de
velopments in the university undergraduate medical curriculum. This wa
y of delivering training in medical teaching is practical and successf
ul, and contributes to improving a hospital's learning environment.