During research on metrics for Prolog, the following bibliography conc
erning Logic Programming in general and Prolog in particular has been
compiled. Each item is augmented with a brief description. The focus o
f the research is on metrics (such as style and complexity) with the f
inal goal of marking students' Prolog programs within the University o
f Nottingham's Ceilidh system. Some papers describe the novices' probl
ems with Prolog, some address metrics applied to Prolog programs and o
thers are more general. The format of the entries is as follows: Magaz
ine article: A Authors, ''Article title'', Magazine title, Vol. #, N.
#, Month, Year, pp. begin-end. Book/Thesis: Authors, ''Article title''
, Publisher, City, State, Year Conference Proceedings: Author, ''Artic
le title'', Conference tilte, Edition, City, State, pp., Year Technica
l reports: Authors, ''Title'', TR. #, Dept.,Univ.