This paper represents one aspect of work done to build a model of a Re
flective and Critical Internship Program under the general rubric of t
eacher pre-service education. if teacher interns are to be effective t
hey need to be involved in problematising their everyday experiences.
The focus in this paper is on the fear that teacher interns have about
classroom management. They are often obsessed with mastery of skills.
How can we, as teacher educators, wean interns beyond technical skill
s towards a process where they can try to put their own work into a wi
der context! This paper makes use of voice and, to a lesser extent, th
e concepts of local theories, cultural capital, problematising dominan
t discourses, sites, social interaction and reflection as pedagogical
categories for the purpose of analysis. The analysis is done within th
e framework of qualitative methodology by using quotations from data c
ollected during interviews and reflective sessions.