We present a new approach to problems in geometric optimization that a
re traditionally solved using the parametric-searching technique of Me
giddo [J. ACM, 30 (1983), pp. 852-865]. Our new approach is based on e
xpander graphs and range-searching techniques. It is conceptually simp
ler, has more explicit geometric flavor, and does not require parallel
ization or randomization. In certain cases, our approach yields algori
thms that are asymptotically Easter than those currently known (e.g.,
the second and third problems below) by incorporating into our (basic)
technique a subtechnique that is equivalent to (though much more flex
ible than) Cole's technique for speeding up parametric searching [J. A
CM, 34 (1987), pp. 200-208]. We exemplify the technique on three main
problems-the slope selection problem, the planar distance selection pr
oblem, and the planar two-line center problem. For the first problem w
e develop an O(n log(3) n) solution, which, although suboptimal, is ve
ry simple. The other two problems are more typical examples of our app
roach. Our solutions have running time O(n(4/3) log(2) n) and O(n(2) l
og(4) n), respectively slightly better than the previous respective so
lutions of [Agarwal et al., Algorithmica, 9 (1993), pp. 495-514], [Aga
rwal and Sharir, Algorithmica, 11 (1994), pp. 185-195]. We also briefl
y mention two other problems that can be solved efficiently by our tec
hnique. In solving these problems, we also obtain some auxiliary resul
ts concerning batched range searching, where the ranges are congruent
discs or annuli. For example, we show that it is possible to compute d
eterministically a compact representation of the set of all point-disc
incidences among a set of n congruent discs and a set of m points in
the plane in time O((m(2/3)n(2/3) + m + n) log n), again slightly bett
er than what was previously known.