The foundation of the Reactor Development Department im 1957 is regard
ed as the start of nuclear power-activities with Siemens. The newly fo
unded department was charged with the development of power reactors fo
r industrial application. The first reactor developed in-house was the
Karlsruhe multi-purpose research reactor (MZFR). Development work on
reactors moderated and cooled by heavy water and fueled with natural u
ranium was soon supplemented by research and development of light wate
r reactors, with the pressurized water reactor line (PWR) being booste
d by a partnership with Westinghouse. The first German PWR was install
ed in the Obrigheim Nuclear Power Station (KWO). It was followed by th
e facilities of Stade and then of Biblis A, a 1200 MWe plant the world
's largest power reactor at that time. In 1966, Gundremmingen A, the f
irst boiling water reactor (BWR), was delivered to the operator This l
ine is being developed further into the BWR-1000 advanced reactor conc
ept. The stagnating nuclear market has enforced adaptation processes,
some of them painful, and resulted in closer international cooperation