The measurement and interpretation of spatial economic structure have
presented many problems for analysts. The notion of a spatial multipli
er has received even less formal attention; part of the motivation for
this paper is the examination of the degree to which sectoral decompo
sition analysis might prove useful in illuminating the paths of intera
ction across space that are associated with changes in exogenous activ
ity levels. In this paper, we present three perspectives that examine
spatial structure in the context Of an aggregated interregional social
accounting matrix for Bangladesh. These perspectives examine structur
e at the micro-, meso-, and macrolevels and are interpreted with the a
ssistance of several alternative methods, including structural path an
alysis, the field of influence, the superposition principle, multiregi
onal feedback loop analysis, and the Matrioshka Principle; the results
are interpreted analytically and cartographically. Some attention is
also devoted to the formulation of a general approach to spatial multi
pliers. It is shown that the structure of flows and the structure of i
nfluence reveal patterns that, taken together, provide important insig
hts into an understanding of structure and may prove to form the basis
for the eventual formal presentation of the spatial multiplier.