The products (p21) of the three mammalian H-, N- and K-ras genes play
important roles in intracellular signal transduction, linking membrane
receptor kinases to the nuclear pathway through raf and mitogen activ
ated protein kinase. They are involved in the regulation of proliferat
ion and differentiation, and activating mutations of these genes are c
ommonly associated with human cancers. Two p21 proteins are encoded by
the K-ras gene (p21(K-rasA) and p21(K-rasB)) due to alternative splic
ing of the fast exon. While the four p21(ras) proteins are highly homo
logous, their sequences diverge significantly at the C-termini, to whi
ch distinct biochemical and perhaps even functional differences may be
ascribed. However, H-, N- and K-rasB appear to be ubiquitously expres
sed, with little evidence of tissue-specific or developmental regulati
on. In contrast, we now demonstrate that the expression of K-rasA is s
trikingly different, K-rasA is induced during differentiation of pluri
potent embryonal stem cells in vitro. Its expression during early embr
yogenesis is limited temporally and spatially in a tissue-specific dis
tribution which is largely maintained as an adult. This suggests a dis
tinct biological role for p21(K-rasA).