Chickens from both broiler and broiler breeder puller hocks experienci
ng symptoms of chicken anemia virus (CAV) infection were first observe
d at the poultry Health Research Laboratory at the University of Arkan
sas in September 1992, Flocks had experienced higher than normal morta
lity with subcutaneous hemorrhages on the wings, neck, and thorax, Pos
tmortem and histopathologic evaluation revealed thymus and bursal atro
phy and lesions consistent with those reported far CAV infection. Beca
use this infection had not: previously been observed by Poultry Health
Research Laboratory personnel in Arkansas-grown chickens, the establi
shment of a definitive diagnosis was deemed important. The presence of
CAV was established by infecting MSB-1 cells with pooled liver homoge
nates from groups of 10 specific-pathogen-free chickens that had previ
ously been inoculated in an attempt to experimentally reproduce the di
sease observed in the field. Cytopathic effects in the infected MSB-1
cells were first evident following the fifth passage. Indirect fluores
cent antibody technique identified infected MSB-1 cells following at l
east five blind passages. To further confirm tile presence of CAV, a p
olymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to amplify a specifi
c portion of the virus genome from infected MSB-1 cells and tissue ext
racts from several submitted chickens. Sequence analysis of a 186-bp P
CR amplification product revealed that the Arkansas isolate was very s
imilar to the Cuxhaven-1 isolate (99.5% sequence identity).