Objective: The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of common
late-life mental disorders on the life expectancy and causes of death
of older psychiatric patients. Method: The study population consisted
of 809 older psychiatric patients who met DSM-III-R criteria for orga
nic mental disorders, mood disorders, or psychotic disorders and who w
ere discharged after a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation and
acute inpatient treatment for their behavioral disorders. Dates and ca
uses of death during a 5.75-year follow-up period were provided by the
Pennsylvania Department of Health. Univariate and multivariate surviv
al procedures were used to compare the survival rates of the three gro
ups to each other and to a reference population of Pennsylvania reside
nts. Causes of death were also tabulated according to ICD-9-CM and com
pared across the groups. Results: Age, gender, race, and medical cobmo
rbidity made significant independent contributions to survival. When t
hese variables were controlled, the survival of patients with organic
mental disorders was less than half of that for patients with mood or
psychotic disorders. However, all three groups experienced higher rate
s of mortality than the reference population, with standardized mortal
ity ratios of 1.5 to 2.5. Deaths occurred from the usual spectrum of n
atural causes, with the exception that patients with mood disorders we
re more likely to have died from disorders of the digestive system and
suicide. Conclusions: The mental disorders of late life have a signif
icant negative impact on the survival of older psychiatric patients.