Variation in competitive ability due to variation in soil characterist
ics is one possible mechanism allowing the local coexistence of plant
species. We measured soil water, depth, and nitrogen pools and fluxes
in distinct patches of three serpentine grassland species to determine
whether soil heterogeneity existed and was correlated with plant spec
ies abundance. Through experimental manipulation of species' abundance
s, we also examined the relative importance of inherent site character
istics vs. plant species' effects in generating heterogeneity in the m
easured soil characteristics; and measured species' competitive abilit
ies in different patch types. The three common grassland annuals, Caly
cndenia multiglandulosum, Plantago erecta, and Lasthenia californica,
were segregated with respect to the measured soil characteristics. Dif
ferences in soil water, soil depth, soil microbial nitrogen, and soil
carbon to nitrogen ratio were due to inherent site characteristics, wh
ile differences in nitrate availability were strongly affected by the
identity of the species currently growing in a soil patch. Furthermore
, all species performed significantly better against one other species
in the patch type where they are normally most abundant. These result
s demonstrate that species diversity within this grassland contributes
to soil heterogeneity and suggest that soil heterogeneity could contr
ibute to the coexistence of these species.