Morphological plasticity is common among clonal organisms, including s
cleractinian corals, yet the role of phenotypic plasticity in coral ec
ology and evolution is largely unexplored. Additionally, it is unclear
how much variation in plastic responses exists among individuals, pop
ulations, and species, and thus how much potential there is for natura
l selection to act on coral reaction norms. In the branching coral Mad
racis mirabilis, corallite architecture and density, branch diameter a
nd spacing, and overall aggregate morphology all vary among environmen
ts. To examine the role of phenotypic plasticity in generating these p
atterns, clonal replicates of five genotypes of M. mirabilis were tran
splanted from each of two source populations into four treatment envir
onments on the north coast of Jamaica. Flow rate, sedimentation, irrad
iance, water temperature, and salinity all varied among these environm
ents. DNA fingerprinting was used to ensure that the 10 transplanted g
enotypes were genetically distinct. Six morphological traits (intersep
ta area, septa length, columella area, corallite area, corallite spaci
ng, and branch tip diameter) were measured after transplantation to de
termine whether they were altered in response to environmental conditi
ons. Because these traits were correlated, principal components analys
is was used to define new, uncorrelated traits for analysis. Four of t
he five corallite traits and branch diameter were significantly affect
ed by the environment, demonstrating that morphological variation amon
g environments in M. mirabilis is due in large part to phenotypic plas
ticity. No difference was detected between the two source populations
in the magnitude or direction of their plastic responses, but there wa
s substantial variation among genotypes (genotype x environment intera
ction). Many of the phenotypic changes of both populations resulted in
the transplants becoming morphologically similar to resident conspeci
fics in each treatment environment. Genotypes from both populations we
re able to maintain similar growth rates under diverse environmental c
onditions. Such morphological convergence by phenotypic plasticity may
expand the ecological range of this species by enabling genotypes to
tolerate spatially and temporally variable environments.