Efficient Consumer Response is a system approach characterized by coop
eration which generates competitive advantages in logistics and market
ing. ECR as well as the ECR-subsystems open up savings potentials and
enable positive effects at every stage of the value added chain. From
this point of view the impacts of ECR are not only limited to industry
and trade, what is more, they reach, among others, also the upstream
sector of agricultural production and the downstream sector of consump
tion. Food production and distribution involving a great number of eco
nomic branches is an extremely heterogeneous branch of the consumer go
ods industry with the consequence that functioning, importance and imp
acts of ECR have to be analysed and assessed differently by considerin
g the respective outline conditions and operative activities. Using th
e example of German dairying - the branch of the German food industry
with the biggest turnover - it is shown that the national level of dev
elopment and the respective behavioural parameters within the producer
-trade network offer only in a few branches particularly good precondi
tions for introducing ECR. Analysis of ECR and ECR-subsystems within t
he sector of dairy products illustrates that - on the basis of the for
ecasts available-the quantifiable savings potentials are markedly less
high than expected, eventual positive effects appear to be possible t
o a limited extent only and that the costs incurred with introducing E
CR must not be underestimated. Further, expert discussions with repres
entatives belonging to industry and trade, published opinions and the
rare success achieved so far by the few large-sized producers of brand
ed articles in Introducing ECR indicate that in the strongly segmented
and mainly small and medium-sized German food industry practical appl
ication of ECR and the ECR-subsystems can only be understood as a medi
um-to long-term perspective. It is incontestable that the ECR discussi
on will further the Improvement in matters of organization and cost re
duction in the area of logistics of the food sector. By applying moder
n technology-, information- and merchandise information standards ECR
can represent the basis of an output-oriented terms system. To overcom
e the apparent contradiction between competition and cooperation and t
o make simultaneously use of the whole range of the potentials of info
rmation technology is an actual challenge to food production and distr
ibution. ECR will, thus, produce a lasting effect on the competitivene
ss of all participants in the market.