Plasma behaviour in the high density regime has been investigated on t
he Frascati Tokamak Upgrade (FTU). The items particularly addressed ar
e density limit, MARFE characteristics and fuelling efficiency. With g
as puffing, a maximum line average density of 3.2 x 10(20) m(-3) has b
een obtained in the ohmic regime at q = 5.1, corresponding to 1.7 time
s the Greenwald limit; while with pellet injection, a value of 3.7 x 1
0(20) m(-3) has been reached at q = 3.5. The density limit appears to
be connected with the impurity content and edge parameters, so the bes
t results are obtained with very clean plasmas and peaked electron den
sity profiles. The MARFE phenomenon always appears beyond a critical d
ensity that depends on the total input power and the effective charge:
emissivities in the range of 2 to 12 MW/m(3) have been measured in th
is highly radiating region. The fuelling efficiency, starting from a v
alue of about 50% at low density, progressively deteriorates, falling
to 10% near the density limit: this behaviour is interpreted as being
due to a decrease of the scrape-off layer transparency to incoming neu