The purpose of this study was to evaluate detection of urinary tract d
ilatation, depiction of obstruction level and determination of cause w
ith single shot MR imaging in an acquisition time of 2.8 s. Heavily T2
-weighted single-shot MR images in 50 patients with ureterohydronephro
sis as suspected by ultrasound were prospectively compared with IV uro
graphy and clinical outcome. Imaging techniques were obtained within a
maximum time interval of 4 h and assessed independently on the same d
ay. Single-shot MR urography was able to demonstrate dilatation and ob
struction levels in 96% of urinary tracts in accordance with X-ray uro
grams. In 4 patients with a unilaterally negative IV urogram, obstruct
ion levels were demonstrated in single-shot MR urography. Single-shot
MR urography did not depict 2 of 7 collecting systems with mild dilata
tion and contralateral undilated ureters were not adequately visible.
Single-shot MR urography consistently visualizes dilated urinary tract
s and obstruction levels in moderate and severe dilatation. Single-sho
t MR urography may be an alternative for IV urography in cases of rena
l impairment, when iodinated contrast or the application of X-rays is
contraindicated, and may help in avoiding direct ureteropyelography. S
ingle-shot MR urography rarely allows determination of the cause of ur
inary tract dilatation.