Ks. Dijkema, IMPACT PROGNOSIS FOR SALT MARSHES FROM SUBSIDENCE BY GAS EXTRACTION IN THE WADDEN SEA, Journal of coastal research, 13(4), 1997, pp. 1294-1304
Subsidence will occur as a result of planned gas extraction activities
in the Netherlands Wadden Sea (North-west Europe). The effects of sub
sidence on salt marshes are comparable to the effects of a rise in sea
level, which mag become a world-wide threat to coastal marshes by aff
ecting the marsh vegetation through an increased number oi tidal flood
ings and an increase in wave energy. Comparison of the prognosis for s
ubsidence with a large dataset on the accretion of various salt marshe
s over the past 25 years shows that accretion generally is expected to
remain positive, even if at the same time sea level should rise by as
much as 6 mm per year. In general, the salt marsh zone in the Wadden
Sea can cope with subsidence and/or a sea level rise of 5 mm per year
for barrier islands and 10 mm for the mainland, which is in the range
of future sea level rise. This is an important marsh characteristic wh
en considering its role for nature conservation and coastal protection
. An accretional deficit is however expected in the pioneer zone in fr
ont of the salt marsh, which is situated on an elevation which is most
affected by wave action and currents and lacks the protection of a cl
osed vegetation cover. Vertical erosion in the pioneer zone will lead
to horizontal cliff erosion of the salt marsh zone. This might become
a general effect of future sea level rise on the world salt marsh reso
urce. Existing management techniques in the pioneer zone of the Wadden
Sea salt marshes (brushwood groynes which decrease wave energy and cu
rrents) can be optimized to increase sedimentation and vegetation sett
lement in this pioneer zone. Expectations for the impact of subsidence
due to gas extraction on Nether;lands salt marshes are in general not
negative, if the local accretional balance is made a precondition for
the rate of gas extraction. The effects have to be monitored.