Microbial extracellular heteropolysaccharides are mainly linear molecu
les to which side chains of varying length and complexity are attached
at regular intervals. Examination of 'families' of microbial exopolys
accharide with closely related structures enables us to determine the
effect of minor (or major) changes to structure on the physical proper
ties of these macromolecules. Changes may also be seen in some of the
biological properties of the polysaccharides, such as susceptibility t
o enzymes; interaction with antibodies or lectins; and capacity and sp
ecificity of ion binding. Acetyl groups frequently assert very marked
effects on the properties of microbial polysaccharides. The presence o
r absence of an O-acetyl or pyruvate (ketal) group on each oligosaccha
ride repeat unit can greatly alter the properties of a number of exopo