This study concerns the state of physical health and the availability
of somatic care for 3,470 adult patients diagnosed as schizophrenic ac
cording to the research criteria established by the International Clas
sification of Diseases (ICD-10 F20) and treated in public institutions
. These institutions volunteered to participate in the study, whereas
the patients were selected at random. Data concerning demographic char
acteristics, physical health, and access to somatic care are compared
to that of a public health survey of a sample of the French population
. The present study allows the estimation of ratios for a large number
of diseases and of some risk factors among the target group. Heavy sm
okers and overweight individuals are more numerous among schizophrenic
s. Pathologies such as epilepsy, diabetes and AIDS infection are overr
epresented. Patients' access to somatic care is more prevalent than th
at of the general population overall, similar to that of the less qual
ified workers or unemployed group. In this study, gender does not appe
ar to allow prediction of care use for schizophrenics in contrast to t
he general population.