There have been very few reports dealing with liver failure related to
hepatitis A in children. Moreover, the criteria usually used for sele
cting patients with fulminant hepatitis A for liver transplantation ha
ve not been evaluated in children, Therefore, the current study was co
nducted retrospectively in a single French urban pediatric liver trans
plantation center to serve as a reminder of the potential severity of
hepatits A in children and to identify predictors of outcome, Children
were selected by chart review using a data base system and were group
ed according to outcome for analyses purposes. Over a 15-year period,
24 children with hepatitis A showed evidence of liver failure, includi
ng 6 children who did not develop hepatic encephalopathy, 7 children i
n whom encephalopathy occurred but resolved spontaneously, and 11 chil
dren in whom death or liver transplantation was the outcome, The mean
age at onset was 6.5 years. Those with the most rapid onset of liver f
ailure from onset of jaundice had the best chance of recovery without
developing encephalopathy. Otherwise, no predictive factors of outcome
were found at onset of liver failure, Among the 18 children who devel
oped encephalopathy, the best early prognostic indicator of a poor out
come irrespective of the grade of encephalopathy, appeared to be a pro
thrombin time level below 21% of normal combined with a serum bilirubi
n level above 400 mu mol/L. Therefore, these two prognostic indicators
may be helpful in deciding liver transplantation in children with hep
atitis A-induced fulminant liver failure.