The past two decades have witnessed a significant increase in the numb
er of individuals participating in organized athletics in the United S
tates.(75) During the 1995-1996 academic year, approximately 6 million
high school athletes and 322,000 college athletes participated in org
anized athletics.(73,75) The 1988 National Health Interview Survey est
imated that 4.3 million US children and adolescents annually sustain i
njuries while participating in a sport or recreational activity; this
accounted for 36% of injuries from all causes.(13) Two studies have sh
own that 22% to 39% of high school athletes sustain injuries in their
sports.(40,67) Football players are consistently the most frequently i
njured high school athlete, followed by gymnasts, wrestlers, and baske
tball players.(6,41,67) The National Collegiate Athletic Association (
NCAA) Injury Surveillance System (ISS) shows that the injury rate per
1000 athlete-exposures ranges from 3.4 (baseball) to 9.6 (spring footb